Bioregulatory therapy
Bioregulatory therapy is one of the treatment methods of biological medicine. This therapy is based on the science of homotoxicology and is aimed at eliminating the pathology caused by homotoxins. Due to its effect on the human body, this treatment is called bioregulatory therapy.
The goals and methods of bioregulatory therapy include:
Disease Prevention
Prevention of body intoxication
Supporting the self-regulation ability of the body
Improving health and mood
Treatment of diseases:
Activation of drainage organs
Regulation of cellular and humoral immunity
Activation of damaged cell and organ regeneration and its function
Bioregulatory therapy is carried out with special drugs, which act at the level of the extracellular matrix, which is the main pathogenetic chain in the development of chronic diseases (Fig. 1). The cleansing of the extracellular matrix from homotoxins occurs due to the draining effect of the drugs. Later, self-regulation processes (through the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune system) are restored at the level of the whole organism with drugs that have an immunomodulating and restorative effect. Thus, the medicines used have a regulatory effect on all stages of treatment.
Due to the multi-component and multi-purpose nature of the drugs used, the treatment of this or that disease is treated pathogenetically. In other words, the treatment with the used bioregulatory drugs is a pathogenetic treatment involving the main regulatory systems of the body.
Homotoxicology is a science that studies the effects of homotoxins on the human body. A homotoxin is any substance that has an indirect or direct toxic effect on the human body. The term homotoxicology is derived from three words: Latin "homo" - "man" or "self", "toxic" from the Greek "poison" or "toxicon", "logos" - "learn".
According to the theory of homotoxicology, the human body is a whole biological system, and diseases are a process that reflects the body's struggle with homotoxins.
The founder of the theory of homotoxicology and the method of treatment based on this theory was the German scientist and doctor Hans Heinrich Reckweg (1905-1985).
Basics of Rekkeweg training
Health is a state of the body free from toxins, functional and organic changes caused by them.
Disease is a biological, purposeful defense process of the body against endogenous and exogenous "homotoxins" or the damaging effects caused by them, that is, the ability of the body to maintain itself in biological balance.
Symptoms of the disease are the body's defense response to neutralize and eliminate homotoxins; therefore, the goal of treatment is to support, not alleviate, symptoms. At the same time, the treatment should be aimed at activating the body's defense power
Recovery is the state of the body free from homotoxins and the damage caused by them.
Homotoxin - any agent or factor that has a negative effect on the body or damages the biological balance (homeodynamics). Toxins can pass from the environment to the body through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and skin. Toxins are intermediate products of physiological metabolism in the body itself, or regulate the function of organs and systems. It can be caused by over-secretion of hormones.
Psychosocial factors such as chronic stress was also included in the concept of "homotoxin" put forward by Rekkeveg. It is now well established that chronic psychosocial stress can promote central obesity and overeating, leading to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Excessive noise, which is an inevitable part of modern life, has been proven by studies to have a negative effect on human physiology, in general, and on cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, psychological and immune systems that are not related to hearing.
The effect of any type of toxin on the body causes "homotoxicosis". Homotoxicosis is a pathophysiological condition that occurs at the humoral or cellular level in cells and tissues under the influence of toxins and causes morphological changes in tissues.
According to Rekkeweg's theory, the pathogenesis of chronic diseases is caused by disruption of drainage-detoxification processes at the level of "vascular-extracellular matrix-membrane receptors" in tissues and organs. During intoxication, the extracellular matrix cannot perform its functions in an optimal state. As a result, the passage of oxygen and nutrients, hormones, neuropeptides and informative molecules of interleukins, necessary for the cell's vital activity, through the capillary network is weakened. As a result of the inflammatory process, the function of immunological defense and the function of the reticulo-endothelial system, as well as the removal of the products of cell life from the interstitial fluid, weaken. Among the toxins that cannot undergo metabolism and cannot be excreted by drainage organs: lipophilic ones accumulate in adipose tissue, and hydrophilic ones accumulate in other connective tissues (bones, cartilage, skin, etc.).
Toxins are accumulated in the extracellular matrix by mechanical means, or by means of ions to the structures on the surface of the matrix, as well as by hydrophobic or hydrophilic association. "Slagging" of the extracellular matrix leads to tissue acidosis, generation of free radicals, and activation of the proteolytic system leading to a pro-inflammatory state. As a result, this causes various diseases, from chronic diseases to malignant tumors.
In the process of developing pathology, the degree of self-regulation ability is first changed. If the regulation is insufficient, changes occur at the level of cells and tissues to support the physiological norm. The progression of the homotoxicosis process depends on the degree of toxicosis and the duration of exposure to toxins.
H.H. Rekkeveg combined the pathological changes occurring in the body into a system called a 6-phase table and distinguished 6 phases in the table, taking into account the localization of the pathological process, clinical symptoms, and the severity of the process. Currently, this table has been slightly modified and is called "the table of the development of diseases", to which the origin of organs according to the embryonic germ sheets has been added.
The dynamics of the development of the disease, that is, the process of the transition of the disease from one phase or one tissue to another, in the table of the development of diseases, the phase of homotoxicosis is shown from left to right or from top to bottom. Clinically, it is manifested by the deterioration of symptoms and the patient's condition. The main reason is the incompleteness of the body's self-regulation mechanisms.
As a result of the treatment, the phase of homotoxicosis is shifted to the opposite side - from right to left or from bottom to top, i.e. to the side of physiological secretion. Clinically, the improvement of symptoms is manifested by the tendency to recover. It is characteristic that relapses that occurred in earlier phases of the disease (even relapses of several years or decades ago) are revealed.
Thus, the table of disease development is an indispensable tool for the doctor to correctly assess the individual condition of the patient and to choose the strategy of bioregulatory therapy accordingly.