Neural therapy
Neural therapy is a special technique used to block pathological reactions by affecting the sympathetic nervous system by touching the nerve area or certain structures of local anesthetics. The effectiveness of neural therapy has been proven by numerous clinical studies, and the mechanism of action has been explained by modern science. Neural therapy was founded in Germany.
Neural therapy is not just a newer injection technique. Neural therapy occupies a special place among traditional methods affecting the autonomic nervous system. The mechanism of action of this method can be seen in the works of the Russian academician Pavlov. The scientific basis of neural therapy is rooted in simple neurophysiological connections. Trauma and disease cause permanent changes in the autonomic nervous system.
This system regulates many functions such as exchange, immunological, digestive, hormonal and etc. functions.
Untreated emotional trauma or conflict affects the autonomic nervous system through the "limbic system - hypothalamus" axis.
The precise injection of procaine at the site of origin of the pathological impulse leads to restoration of the disturbed balance and rapid recovery. This injection site can be a nerve node, a scar or a vein.
Neural therapy is a scientifically based treatment system. Neural therapy is a key treatment modality that helps where other approaches have failed. Often the therapeutic effect is so strong and unexpected that it is called "lightning reaction" or "Huneke's phenomenon".
This therapy is a safe, minimally invasive method. It is used in various diseases, in various disciplines: in otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, internal organ diseases, it is used in the treatment of pain syndrome in therapy.