Goiter is an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland.

Goiter is an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland.
Deficiency of iodine can occur when increasing or decreasing the activity of the thyroid gland.
What happens when the function of the thyroid gland decreases?
This leads to hypothyroidism.
Blood levels of thyroid hormones decrease
Weakness, fatigue, body aches, reduced work capacity
Tendency to obesity (although appetite is not increased),
Dryness and roughness of the skin
Weakening of hair and nails
Feeling cold frequently
Swelling of the face, around the eyes and all over the body
An increase in the amount of cholesterol, with time, ischemic heart disease is formed,
There may be depression, a tendency to cry.

Because these symptoms also occur in chronic fatigue syndrome and other conditions, the diagnosis is sometimes delayed. With hypothyroidism, the volume of the gland may increase (there may be signs of suffocation), or it may decrease.
Main cause: Autoimmune thyroiditis (or Hashimoto's thyroiditis) Treatment is hormone replacement therapy. With a relative deficiency, it is possible to increase the activity of the gland with the help of bioregulatory therapy (without prescribing hormone therapy).
What happens when the thyroid gland is overactive?
Hyperthyroidism occurs.
Increases the number of thyroid hormones in the blood
Increased number of heartbeats (tachycardia), heart rhythm disturbances
Weakness, fatigue of arms and legs,
Tendency to diarrhea
Weight loss (although appetite increases)
Emotionality, redness of the face,
The waving of hands,
heat intolerance, sweating,
Over time, osteoporosis ("bone melting")
In some cases, exophthalmos (protrusion of the eye forward) can be observed. In hyperthyroidism, the volume of the gland may increase.

Main cause: Diffuse toxic goiter. Grace's disease, toxic adenoma
Multinodular toxic goiter.
Treatment is with antithyroid drugs. If necessary, the patient may be recommended surgery or radioactive iodine therapy.